The “History of Chinese Market Gardeners” books were launched by Mayor Len Brown at an event on Saturday 21st July 2012. The launch was held at the Auckland Chinese Community Center in Taylor Road, Mangere Bridge. Attended by over 500 people, including Mayor Len Brown, MP’s, and Chinese families from all over New Zealand, this event attracted many growers and families who form part of the books history. The books were a result of six years tireless research and hard work by a dedicated team, many of whom have a history in Chinese market gardening.
The books were funded and supported by the Dominion Federation of New Zealand Chinese Commercial Growers. Sponsors from within the growing industry have been proud to support this project. The set of books are on the history of Chinese market gardening in New Zealand and authored by Lily Lee, Ruth Lam and Nigel Murphy.
The first book Sons of the Soil – Chinese Market Gardeners in New Zealand is a 500 page hardback full of families, experiences and photos.
The Chinese have been market gardening in New Zealand since 1867 and were believed to have supplied 80% of the country’s fresh vegetables. This book celebrates over 140 years of their involvement with the vegetable growing industry.
The book travels through each major region where there were communities of Chinese market gardeners and their families. In the growers’ own words, the book presents their stories, experiences and personal thoughts on the life of a grower.
The second book Success through adversity – A History of the Dominion Federation of New Zealand Chinese Commercial Growers is a 150 page soft covered book.
The Dominion Federation was established on 15 January 1943 and since then it has been the representative body of Chinese market gardeners throughout New Zealand. This book covers The Federation’s history including its formation, its relationship with the Dominion Council (now HortNZ), the challenges it has faced and its achievements over the years.
Both of these books will be of interest to Chinese growers and their families, those associated with the vegetable growing industry, members of the Chinese community, and the general public.

For more information about ordering a set of books, contact Ginny Sue on 09 238 7325 or ginnysue@hotmail.co.nz